I only have like 18 minutes left because I forgot my email again! Terrible! Anyways I will try and tell you about my district and companions and everything.
There was 10 of us and out of those 10, 6 of us are going to Concepcion. It's insane, I think its pretty obvi Heavenly Father really has a hand in where we are called. Some of the other elders and one sister is going to Honduras. I LOVE our elders! They are so great. We all get along. There is Elder Hafen who is like super excited about being on a mission and learning the language. Everytime he hears a new Spanish word he pulls out a little piece of paper from his suit pocket and writes it down and then repeats it over and over again. I love it, he makes me laugh even though he doesnt really try to. Elder Fullmer is his comp and he is great too, they are both just trying SO hard. It's awesome. Ok then there's Elder Grimes who is our district leader and he is fresh out of the army and he is way cool too. Then Elder Brackam, I dont really know him as well. Then Elder White who is so sweet and he is very knowledgable about the gospel, and his comp Elder Adams who is a little older but he is very cool too.
My companions are Hermana Mckenzie and Hermana Whipple (yes mom Lana Whipple) CRAZY, huh? I LOVE them too! Poor Hermana Whipple woke up sick this morning so we had a little field trip to the BYU Health Center and to Rite-Aid. I bought a towel because I forgot to buy one so I have been using my hand towel! Haha oh well. Hermana Whipple's birthday was yesterday and I was so tired when I woke up I completely forgot and then when we got to class, the Elders had gotten her a bag of candy and a card! It was so sweet and I felt like a bad companion. Ah I only have 11 minutes.
My teachers are really good and they are so supportive and encouraging to us. I have learned a lot after only being here 3 days. It's an awesome place. Everyone is so happy here and always smiling and saying hi in their languages. It's really cool. Sometimes, Elders will stop you and testify to you or "contact" you in their language so they can practice. Its kind of like our homework. Last night we had to go out and testify to 5 people in Spanish and it was hard, but it was okay because I used my notes. It is a little stressful but somehow I feel verrry calm at the same time. Everything here is hard but so easy. I know it doesn't make sense really but it makes it so much better because everyone in your district is on the same page as you. Elder Haymen and Elder Fullmer gave Hermana Whipple a blessing today and I think it might have been their first one. IT WAS AMAZING! They volunteered to give her one and both of them were shaking but the spirit was so strong. I totally cried and I told them they were amazing and if I was allowed to hug them I would. They did awesome but they were so nervous. I had to remind Elder Fullmer to say in the name of Jesus Christ while he was giving his blessing. AH this timer is stressing me out. Okay, I love you all and I miss you but not that much thank goodness. Poor Hermana Whipple..I think she is a little homesick because she isn't feeling well at all and all you want when you are sick is your mom to take care of you! OKAY anyways the timer is blinking at me!!!!
hillary, cant believe you are an official missionary. so proud and excited for you. hope you are doing great!