Monday, September 13, 2010

Santa Sabina with Hermana Conley

So this week has been so great other than medical stuff. I have absolutely loved being companions with Paige (Hna Conley), and it was such a blessing that she and I just by chance got put together right now. I don't know who else I could have been with. We have done some missionary work--we've been trying to teach some of her investigators. Her area is called Santa Sabina and it is so pretty. It's like the Orange County of Chile. There's some poor parts and there's some really rich parts. Some of the houses are insane, and huge, and beautiful. It's crazy. The ward here is like the states, too. It's a very young ward. I haven't even been to church yet, but the ward members are already taking care of me. Chileans are pretty amazing like that.

We have a sisters' activity coming up this weekend, which should be so fun to see everyone. All the sisters in the whole mission are going to the President's house and having a sleepover, and then the next day we just get to have fun and hang out. I think they will be having some kind of devotional thing too for sure. But it will be so fun.

I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with this forever but it's been a crazy past few weeks. I still love Chile and all the people here so much, they are so amazing. I love this time being a missionary. Even though it's hard, it is so much fun. I have to go, but I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. made me cryyyy! I miss my sister! I am so glad hillary and paige could be together!!
