So anyways this week was awesome, I really loved it. Starting out with conference, which seemed to be seriously focused around families/mothers so shout out to my mom, I love you. Also, there was an Elder in my district who made a point that there will never be a time in our lives where more people are praying for us, so I just want to thank everyone, too, for all your prayers, I know they are helping me here. This work/message is seriously the most important thing that has happened since Christ's death and we need to tell EVERYONE!!
Devotional on Tuesday was amazing. We thought it was going to be another apostle because they were doing bomb checks again, but it was an Emeritus 70's so that's still cool. But he gave the most amazing talk at devo! It was all about the spirit and honestly, an answer to one of my prayers. I felt like I was the only person in that gym even though there was like 2,000 other people. His wife also spoke, and told the Elders that the harder they work the prettier their wives will be. She didn't say anything to the sisters, but in my mind I told myself the harder I work the hotter my husband will be too! haha I am also in the choir, and the song we sang this week was AMAZING!! I wrote down all the lyrics in my journal. It's called "I marvel at the miracle." I think Janice Kapp Perry wrote it or something. Look it up, and if anyone wants to send me a CD of it I would love you forever.
Wednesday we got a new district in our zone! They are all Elders and so far they are all really cool. They have already learned to not let the Hermanas take their own trays! My comp and I went with the zone leaders to do some orientation for them last night, so it was really fun to share some tips with them. I have completely lost track of time. They don't put clocks in our classrooms or calendars and I am pretty sure it is completely on purpose, but I never know if something that I remember happened that morning or last week. It's weird.
Wednesday we also went to the RC again, and I called Barbara back!! I love her. She seriously is the most amazing person. I talked to her for 20 minutes and it ended with me getting her new address so I could send her a letter and pictures. I am really hoping her and her son start going back to church. AND She agreed this time to have the missionaries come over! I was so glad because the last time we talked, she said no. At the end of the phone call we were saying goodbye and she asked if she could say a prayer for me so I said "OH SURE, I would love that!!" (thinking she meant like later or something) but then she just started praying!! It was such a sweet prayer. The next day (Thursday I think?) yesterday? I dont know... anyways we went back to the RC again, and I got 2 Book of Mormons sent out AND missionaries! SUCCESS! I am so grateful for whichever one of my teachers it was who shared that scripture with me. I would share it with you all if I remembered where it was! It just talks about how we cannot have fear or else that means we don't have faith.
Yesterday we had another progressing investigator appointment with the same lady, and it went so much better than it did last time. I had my little visual aid of the Plan of salvation and it made it soooo much easier to explain! Our investigator's mom had just died so we were able to tell her where her mom was and that she was at peace. The Spirit was so strong!! Even though it's not a real investigator we still teach them like they are. It was so cool, but we went over like 15 minutes and the Elders after us were realllly upset. It was such a cool experience, and I am so grateful to be learning here. There's a lot to do and learn. I asked Elder Bracken (our new zone leader) how he felt about being a zone leader and he said, "I feel like there's a giant monkey on my back" haha so true though. Anyways I love you all and I am SOOO grateful for everyone and everything, and all your thought and prayers! Britt and Aubree, I am still waiiiiiiting for letters from you! Please write mee. LOVE YOU ALL!
LOVE YOU! Did you get my letter? Hopefully you did. Miss you and thanks for all the great posts!!!!!!