Tuesday, May 11, 2010
AHH, I am sooooo happy its our last P-day I can hardly stand it! Chile needs to stop having earthquakes though, seriously. We heard there was naother one yesterday like a 7. something? Insane, and I reallllly hope they don't change our plans. BUT this week went by slow but fast at the same time. First of all its our 'teaching week' so we have to teach 30 lessons sometime throughout the week. That's a lot of lessons! So Monday was a normal day. We taught a few lessons...but then Tuesday Hna Whipple gets sick so we went to the doctor and turns out it's just something she will get over on her own. Then she got stung by a bee, and we didn't know until way later that she was allergic! So we were in the ER until about 2am on Wednesday AM! Tuesday was so crazy because...guess who came to speak? L. Tom Perry!!! Second apostle to speak while we are in the MTC. That's CRAZY! and very rare! He spoke on the restoration and the Book of Mormon. It was really cool!! Anyways we aren't going to meet our teaching goals for this week but it's wayyy more important to be healthy than to meet a goal. Today we will be packing alllll day! Wish me luck because we are only allowed to check one bag (dumb Delta) and the second one costs 50 bucks. Then on Lan Chile your carry on is only allowed to be 17 lbs!!! I weighed it yesterday with nothing in it other than a few shirts and a journal and it is 13 ;bs so I will put my Book of Mormon/Bible in there and close it up. I can't wait to be in Chile, and I have learned SOOOO Muchhere its kind of insane and I hope it all stays in my brain! Can't wait to be in the outside world again and talk to people and learn Spanish! I am very grateful for the opportunity to be here and to serve a mission, and for the fact that God has trusted me to go to Chile right now in this time of great need for His children and help them come unto Him. I can't wait! It is a big responsibility and I have a lot of growing and learning to do, but I am up for the challenge! Love you all. Please write me in CHILE!!!!!