Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baptism & Moldy Pillows

Hey Mom slash whoever. This week was great. We had a baptism, Mauricio who I thought never was going to get baptized cause he's a little strange, but we finally figured him out. His parents separated 2 years ago and he is still hurting from that so he is very very quiet and doesn't like when he doesn't know things which actually makes teaching him extremely easy. He has been coming to church for the past like 8 weeks or so but just started showing that he had desire to get baptized. We gave him a fecha for the 25th but I thought he might just be ready this week so I asked him at church if he would get an interview from the Elders and be baptized this past week and he said yes! Pretty cool, his face when he came out of the water was just priceless, I loved it.

Oh no, remember that family I told you about last week that is going to get married? Well Satan is for real attacking them and now, after 9 years of being happy together, they are starting to have problems. Suzanna (the mom) came to church but she just looked sick and she was crying and she said something really bad happened so we got super scared. We had an appointment at 7 last night with them, and when we went over the dad wouldn't even come out of his room to say hi. So we sat down, and Suzanna started crying and my comp and I went and sat next to her, and just held her and cried with her. She said that he drank and smoked and he never does either of those. So my comp--she's really good at this--went into his room and kind of pulled him out to come and share with us. We let them know that they are trying to do the right thing by getting married, and that Satan knows that they are progressing really fast so he is trying to create problems anyway he can. I'm not going to lie--it was terrible. Suzanna is really hurt, but she is so strong and she wants to be a part of this church so bad, she knows its all true--it's amazing. We had a member come with us for a lesson right before this all happened, and it was amazing! He testified how he had to stop smoking and all that to join the church, too, but that it was ¨beautiful in the church. That's why members are so amazing to have in lessons. Because most of them that come out with us are converts, well actually, all of them, and so they all know exactly how our investigators feel.

But anyways...miracle this week???' Remember Natalie? Who I love like a friend but she cant keep the ley de castidad? Well, we figured out why that is, too. It's because her pololo is going to be coming here for his break from school and he has to live with her. BUT he came to church!!!! So that's the miracle. We can't wait to teach him, he seemed way cool at church. Oh AND Natalie finished reading the Book of Mormon and asked us if she could read the Doctrine and Covenants haha duhh... she's amazing--I love it. I think the first lesson we are going to teach them is eternal families. Going to be great. When we went to her house this week I told her she was amazing at reading and she said, "No, I am actually really bad at reading. But this book, I am good at." and we just kind of melted inside.

But yeah, that's all for this week that I can remember. I will try to send pics of the baptism but we will see. It was good, Hermana Jarrett and I sang a duet of Divina Luz for the special musical number. It was pretty although we messed up a few times, no big deal. Hermano Vega (our ward mission leader) said we sounded like angels. But both of us are sick right now.

OHHH! Finally figured out why I have been sick basically the whole time I've been here. Well, not super sick but I always have a runny nose and a cough. when I first got here I never saw my pillow because one of the other Hermanas made my bed for me and I never took off my pillow case to wash it with my other sheets cause I didnt have another pillow case. BUT this week I took it off to wash it, and there was actual MOLD growing on my pillow!!!!! haha Then we took everyone's pillow cases off and it was the same! SICK, huh? I'll send pictures of that too. So we went that day to the only store in Conti that sells pillows and they only had 4 and those 4 were being sold in a set with the bed. So we had to wait until we were in Talca to buy pillows. So I have a clean pillow now, no worries. But there is still mold growing pretty much in every part of our apartment because its always so damp and humid.

Love you all!! Ciao

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