Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Ohhhh July in California is SO much different than July in Chile. I just imagine sunny hot days and barbecues and fireworks. Well, our zone leaders (who are both latinos) put together a 4th of July celebration for all the gringos in our zone which is pretty much everyone else. It was so funny, one of our zone leaders called us a million times this week to ask us questions about what to buy and finally we just told him to buy stuff like they sell in McDonalds. He was trying to get a movie approved for us to all watch but it didn't work so we watched a church one. We played Monopoly until we got bored and quit, Uno, and futbol. I made salsa and another sister made potato salad. Chilean ingredients...but we tried to make it as American as possible. It was really fun though, but no fireworks or sun.

Well this week pretty much nothing happened. Literally because my companion hurt her foot so she was on 7 days of reposo from the doctor, which meant she can't leave the house and I am her comp so I stayed with her. I did splits 2 days with one of the other sisters cause our investigators really needed a visit before the end of the week. I love all our investigators right now, we have gotten really close with the family of Barbara (the little girl we baptized 2 weeks ago) and their extended family. They are kind of like my family here. I thought about how I will have to say goodbye to them someday, and it almost made me cry. We were at their house on Saturday night and they were saying how it was going to be sad when my comp and I had to leave. But one of our investigators wants to get baptized, but she has to either seperate or get married first, and they chose marriage!!!!!! I am sooo excited. So my comp and I are planning a wedding!! We are going to have it in the cultural hall in the church, and make it all cute and do her hair and make-up. (This is why sister missionaries are so awesome). They asked Hna Egbert and I to be their witnesses, we are so excited about it!

Okay, so another story of how the spirit works with people. We had an investigator who already had a baptism in the Catholic Church and he was very confrontational when we asked him to be baptized, but we had him get an interview anyways. The Elder that interviewed him told us to just stop working with him and focus on others. Well, he has been coming to church still and last week he told us he actually wanted to get baptized! Thats just an example of how much the spirit does in missionary work because it wasn't anything we did, it was because he was reading his scriptures, praying, and going to church. Pretty amazing. But anyways I have to go but I love you all!! Thanks for all the support and prayers!

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